Friday, January 4, 2013

Thrilling Galaxy S4 Fan-Made Video Ad

 Hey guys and girls, this post isn't exactly about any Samsung Galaxy S4 news, but we will from time to time share some awesome fan-made creations with you guys. Today we are presenting the Galaxy S4 video ad that was made by Bob Freking who has done an excellent job of highlighting some impressive features that the S4 might have. The dramatic music, the simple design and the beautiful galaxy-related graphics all fit together quite well and this video advert is overall quite impressive and a pleasure to watch. Have a look for yourself and enjoy Bob's work!

 The specs that Bob mentions in the video are actually the rumored performance specs for the Galaxy S4 which you can view in-depth on the Galaxy S4 specs page. We also suggest that you follow our RSS feed so that you can stay in touch with the latest news and rumors about the Galaxy S4!
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